Loudest Warning format 25″ clee boat (v2-alloy-bare)


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SKU: cleeboat25v2-silver Category:


I have made a small batch of Craig Lee’s LW format boats, with permission.  

These are the v2 units, allowing for alloy construction, and are supplied unfinished.


Seen here is an extended version (25″ vs the standard 17″)

A 6u buchla format boat is 25.5″ long.  The idea of these is that they will fit in the same setup (if required) using a 1/4″ spacer at each end.


These alloy units rely on steel insert strip for their threading.  This was to enable Craig’s original design to be revised for alloy construction (due to the inability of alloy to hold a thread).

The inserts required are the “tapped strip” commonly used in eurorack systems.  M3 or the more commonly available M2.5 both fit, but both will require cutting to fit.  You can buy 84hp lengths from me here.



note: the units do not come with the threaded inserts as standard (builders may well have their own, or may be able to source M2.5 cheaply where they are) nor do they come with blanking panels, or screws